Please select a service to make a booking. Please provide as much detail in description as possible. We will call you prior to work if there are questions. Time selected represents the start of a 1hr window which we will arrive. We will call the supplied phone number when on our way.

Service Call - 1 hr

$215 for the first hour, $145/hr for remaining. These jobs will be billed out on a time and material basis. If Black Sheep determines that a second electrician is also needed, he will be billed out at an additional $85/hr.

Service Call - 2 hours

2 hour option. Billed out on a time and material basis $215 for the first hour, $145/hr for remaining. If Black Sheep determines that a second electrician is also needed, he will be billed out at an additional $85/hr.

Service Call - 3 hours or More

Work requested is 3 hours or more. Billed out on a time and material basis $215 for first hour, $145/hr after that. If Black Sheep determines that a second electrician is also needed, he will be billed out at an additional $85/hr.